Tomatoes TOMSK F1, 250 seeds

Tomatoes TOMSK F1, 250 seeds

A new mid-late determinate (dwarf) hybrid of the ‘Beef’ type from the Dutch firm Bejo Zaden, suitable for growing outdoors, under cover and in greenhouses. It begins to ripen approximately 70-75 days after planting the seedlings. The plant is strong, it covers the fruit well. Fruits are bright red in color, without green pericarp, large (about 200 g weight), flat round, smooth, fleshy, have a lot of dry mass, sugar and lycopene. It quickly acquires a bright red color inside and out, has a great taste and an exceptional aroma. Can be grown in greenhouses for early harvest. The hybrid tolerates adverse weather conditions and sets fruit well even in cool, wet summers. Resistant to Va, Vd, Fol:0,1, bacterial and fungal diseases.
Attention. The product photo is a sample illustration of the seed package. The variable information on the seed package (seed lot number, weight of 1000 seeds, other information) changes with each new seed shipment, so it may differ from the information shown in the product photo.

Additional Product Features:
Amount in the package:
250 seeds
Breed type (variety or hybrid):
Hybrid (F1)
Seed treatment:
Tomato type
Limited growth (dwarf, determinant)


Shipping / Versand

Shipping cost / Versandkosten:
Shipped with Lietuvos Paštas. Fixed price of 3 euro. Versand erfolgt mit Lietuvos Paštas. Festpreis von 3 Euro.

Delivery time / Lieferzeit:
Around 1 - 2 weeks in europe. Etwa 1 - 2 Wochen in Europa.

Payment / Zahlung

Managed ebay payments are accepted. Verwaltete eBay-Zahlungen werden akzeptiert.


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