REASON I'M SELLING ALL MY STUFF: (sad if yer a sensitive soul like me, so please stop reading here :)

I'm a cartoonist and I was in the middle of a massive graphic novel when I was diagnosed with brain cancer. I don't recommend you google that! I have a very limited amount of time left to live and there's a few trips I'd like to take so I'm just selling all my stuff. And if you're curious about my comic or me, search brain cancer vs graphic novel on youtube where I'm chronicling my race to finish my book.

I'm still totally "normal" functioning so everything is treated well, packaged well, and ya get a free sketch for every package :P 

Hope you enjoy looking around. Will be putting up hundreds of graphic novels, trade paperbacks, books of various genres, collectible toys, and other stuff!

Priority shipping price can accommodate up to about three books. If you buy more, we can mix shipping types, or use the $18 large priority box for massive purchases. Thank you !