24 GHz Transverter-module, DMC, integrated in module: Transmitter upconverter mixer, PA, receiver-LNA, image-reject receiver mixer, the 24 GHz ports are isolated by integrated Ferrite-isolators. With 5-cavity waveguide image-reject filter. pretuned to 24 GHz ham radio band. Finetuning to maximise transmitter output is easy.
The transmitter PA (Pout ~ 50-100mW typical, gain ~ 20 dB typical) could be used as a 24 GHz amplifier by applying +5V to the module. In the image-reject receiver downconverter mixer it is easy to exchange  the IF 90-degree hybrid coupler (soldering iron) so that 2m or 70cm IF is working well. The transmitter upconverter mixer has a broadband IF input, no modifications needed.
A very detailled description of the data, performance and potential modifications for ham-radio use could be found:   f1chf.free.fr/F5DQK/6_Transverters/24GHz_DMC_transverter.pdf