A woman is frantic as she awakens in a dark, closed space. From above her comes the muffled sound of cruel laughter, followed by the hard splatter of dirt. Pure terror takes over as she realizes she’s being buried alive—and her last breath is a scream that no one but a sadistic killer will hear . . .

WILL TAKE HIS SECRETS . . . To journalist Nikki Gillette, this disturbing story is a ticket out of small-town Savannah and on to the big time. She’s already given the killer a nickname—The Grave Robber—and she’s spending every minute dogging tough cop Pierce Reed’s investigation, trailing him through Savannah’s deep thickets and crumbling cemeteries…even though she’s starting to wonder about the secrets he’s keeping . . .

Another body is found. And
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The Morning After

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HIS VICTIMS . . . A woman is frantic as she awakens in a dark, closed space. From above her comes the muffled sound of cruel laughter, followed by the hard splatter of dirt. Pure terror takes over as she realizes she’s being buried alive—and her last breath is a scream that no one but a sadistic killer will hear . . . WILL TAKE HIS SECRETS . . . To journalist Nikki Gillette, this disturbing story is a ticket out of small-town Savannah and on to the big time. She’s already given the killer a nickname—The Grave Robber—and she’s spending every minute dogging tough cop Pierce Reed’s investigation, trailing him through Savannah’s deep thickets and crumbling cemeteries…even though she’s starting to wonder about the secrets he’s keeping . . . TO THE GRAVE Another body is found. And another. Each gruesome discovery unnerves Nikki a little more…there’s something familiar about it, something she should know. Now, as a serial killer pulls her ever deeper into his sick game, she has no idea how close she’s getting to the truth—or how deadly it will be . . .

Product Details

ISBN 9781420151923
Format Paperback
Author Lisa Jackson
Publisher Kensington Publishing
Length 12.000 cm
Width 17.800 cm
Depth 4.500 cm
Weight 0.3160 kg