Spy Movies Free Shipping 007 Blu Ray, African Queen & 2 Hogans Heroes Tapes, Mag

Magazine, Mag, supportive of this Item is so valuable for You if to sell in the future, as Collectors look not merely for Best Entertainment, yet also for what others have said about the Item in the most popular Magazine.

The TV Spy Movies Collection is with actual real spy, espionage, and escapes aspects from old Hogans Heroes even though the Hogans Heroes tapes are hilarious comedy. There were contained private celebrations along the serious trail so to speak.

The African Queen is desperation in action and relatively innocent helplessness facing the impossible head on!

New 007 Blu Ray Disc Factory Sealed Unopened.

Spy Movies For TV Memorabilia with African Queen and Hogans Heroes + DVDs New 007 Blu Ray Collection is loaded with historically accurate symbolism, ranging from hysterical as spies often worked hard to keep a straight face, to very serious complex endeavors is brought to You from eBay Seller rrbca_31 offering many related Collections.

Before I started dating I watched Hogans Heroes every time it was on TV, even though our TV was often so grainy gray with lines running through it: yet Hogans Heroes most definitely was Top Pick.

The strategies they went through to gain information, the intrigue, the suspense about whether to be caught at every turn, and the anxious work together to end the war is admirable.

The Brand New 007 is on Blu Ray UltraHD For TV and/or For Enhanced Computer Viewing. The movie cost about $300 Million to make, and with ads, distribution, and other costs needs to make toward $1 Billion to really start showing a profit (various sources).

In other words investors have high expectations in the future popularity of this and put their money where their mouths are.

Spy Movies For TV back then and currently now: with the iconic movie The African Queen against great odds and likewise Hogans Heros DVDs Tapes, are gaining value as so few of the older types as shown above were made relative to the Exploding Population!

And each Hogans Heroes Box is a mini Collection of 2 Episodes, so each is a Box Set in the Memorabilia sense for Collectors [prior to discs]. Also the Entertainment Weekly magazine verifies the 007 Popularity Value for the bona fide Collectors seeking third party authenticity verification beyond contestation.

Spies function in the most treacherously terrifying places in the world and these movies with reality clarified in the magazine in this generation in these years speaks volumes concerning the state of this people. Many things for sale are about fads that come and go: this is no fad, it is history.

And this is not dry trivia as in so many classrooms: this is in the form of fantastic entertainment, yet evoking righteous feelings for the good.

These symbolized brave souls of Heroes and Heroines in original boxes and with the factory sealed, are what the real aficionado Collectors will increasingly be seeking; yet You With Family And Friends may opt to watch these for Great Entertainment Value: and nonetheless Your Faves of the past make good investments into the future.

In this Collection are The African Queen (used), a Hogans Heroes Collection (used), James Bond 007 (New), and like new an older edition of Entertainment Weekly magazine with related info, for many thrills, laughter, appreciation, and that helps Your Future Worth in terms of Resale Value as You give Your perspective when You or Your Heirs sell.

The African Queen movie delightfully yet in extremely terrifying bravery overcoming human and natural forces symbolizes how Africa in history was changed from the innocents being slaughtered toward new Peace Victory!

Hogans Heroes while Hilarious with various episodes, represents in history in the earlier years of concentration camps that tended to be less grizzly, though with much about what was actually happening, as astounding to many as it seems, as many others had heard propaganda otherwise!

007 represents the current ideas about what spies do today, and importantly for this Collection and the Buyer for future selling [or keepsake for Children and then if to sell], 007 represents the Mainstream Start of the multitude of spy entertainment movies.

"SPECIAL" Entertainment Weekly Magazine includes related articles on both the real [as about terrorism attack against People at the Ariana Grande Concert], and the pseudo in 007 James Bond Roger Moore with Sean Connery, with a range from Swashbucklers to Navy Fave Cher; and many other Celebrities.

The African Queen Starring Katherine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart witnesses the ruthless works of global killers, and as if beyond reason rather the Christian Faithful Bravery prevails facing worldly murderers and the rigors of the ancient Nile River. 20th Century Fox, Not Rated, 104 minutes, 1951 "Renewed" 1979 DVD tape for TV "MODIFIED" and "FORMATTED TO FIT YOUR SCREEN".

Hogans Heroes starring Bob Crane about Strategy Leadership rather than about not preplanned tactics tells of how clever imprisoned people were about escaping yet much more, about uneven alliances and amounts of trusts. Episodes included are "THE GREAT IMPERSONATION", "IT TAKES A THIEF...SOMETIMES", "THE INFORMER", AND "KOMMANDANT OF THE YEAR". These 2 DVDs for TV viewing tapes are in used though fairly good condition. These "CLASSIC EPISODES" are from the 1960s.

Brand New Unopened Sealed Cassette 4K Ultra HD Blu Ray 007 "NO TIME TO DIE" Disc for TV and/or Computer stars Daniel Craig as James Bond working with the CIA, and Oscar Winner Rami Malek concerning "dangerous new technology". MGM. PG 13. Digital Code Included to stream or download to watch anywhere.

The included Entertainment Weekly Magazine is important for fun reading yet also about the investing consider that a full page ad in the Magazine can go for a million bucks or such at the option of the Magazine Editor, so to have such a Magazine having published info with pics related to Your Collection is very important to the Future Avid Buyer (likewise see below about "Collection" rather than various stuff for sale).

Inherited these and am an elder without kids to Your time to have fun while investing!

With this Spy Movies Collection with many types of Spies, there are many other rrbca_31 Collections that fit with this Collection [though are not part of the above Spy Movies Collection Item for sale], such as about future Spies in the Star Trek Collection, the G.O.T. Collection (see above Entertainment Weekly Magazine Cover), the Ray Harryhausen Collections, and the TV Comedies Collections. Click above right rrbca_31 to see the Collections.

Many individuals just don't plan ahead so merely have miscellaneous piles of stuff. It's far better to plan far ahead with Collections. People don't take pics of their piles of clutter, though pics of Collections are sent to Insurers so that if any problem then full reimbursement at the more in demand future market replacement value if so insured.

FREE SHIPPING Provided For Your Collection! Item for sale in North America only so no extra handling worries so all sales are final yet click above "About" page for future info and as eBay reports Feedback from Buyers is 100% GOOD! Actual Buyer Feedback includes "Amazing seller!!!!".

Seller "rrbca_31" is a volunteer for "JESUS Christ ICCDBB" Charity with Free Bible Formulas worth seeing: Faith comes from Hearing and that comes from the Word, and this converts into a Bible Formula. The Peace Bible Formula is Peace = Patience x Kindness. See the Love Formula.

Enjoy while investing!

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