DISRAELI: A Picture of the Victorian Age (Easton Press, Leather, New / Sealed) by Andre Maurois

Dive into the captivating world of Benjamin Disraeli, an extraordinary figure whose legacy continues to shape British politics and literature. In "Disraeli," acclaimed biographer Andre Maurois masterfully unravels the life of this enigmatic statesman, chronicling his triumphs, struggles, and enduring impact on the United Kingdom and the world.

Born into a religiously diverse family, Disraeli's journey from a young Jewish boy in Bloomsbury to the highest echelons of British society is an inspiring tale of ambition and determination. After embracing Anglicanism, he embarked on a relentless pursuit of political success, ultimately ascending to become not just a leader of the Conservative Party but also the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom—twice!

At the heart of this enthralling biography lies the tumultuous political rivalry between Disraeli and the formidable Liberal Party leader, William Ewart Gladstone. Their fierce debates and ideological clashes shaped the course of British politics and captured the imagination of the nation. Discover the nuances of Disraeli's one-nation conservatism, a philosophy that resonated with the British public and solidified the Conservatives' identity as the party of the British Empire.

Beyond his political prowess, Disraeli's literary genius shines through. Uniquely, while holding the highest office, he continued to write and publish novels, weaving tales of intrigue and romance that enthralled readers worldwide. Maurois delves into the creative mind of this multifaceted leader, uncovering the inspiration behind his works of fiction and their impact on literature of the era.

As you journey through the pages of "Disraeli," witness history come alive—the historic repeal of the Corn Laws, the challenges of governing during a period of controversial wars, and the high-stakes diplomacy surrounding the Eastern Question. Experience the intricacies of Disraeli's friendships, most notably with the venerable Queen Victoria, which cemented his place in the corridors of power.

However, triumphs were not without their shadows. Maurois delves into the complex foreign affairs that defined Disraeli's second term, navigating the decline of the Ottoman Empire and countering Russia's ambitions in the Balkans. As events took unexpected turns and public support wavered, Disraeli's leadership faced its toughest tests.

In his final months, the once mighty statesman found himself in the Opposition, his storied career drawing to a close. Yet, the indomitable spirit of this British icon endures, leaving an indelible mark on political strategy, literature, and the pursuit of one's dreams.

Maurois' masterful prose and meticulous research bring to life the legend of Benjamin Disraeli—a man who bridged political divides, penned immortal words, and left an enduring legacy on the stage of history. "Disraeli" is a riveting journey through the life of an extraordinary leader, offering insight into the making of a visionary statesman and a literary luminary.