Complete Private Pilots study kit. This package comes with all the books and tools you will need to get started towards your PPL.
I spent well over $500 for this package and everything is in very good condition.

Items included:

- ASA Private Pilots Oral Exam Guide 12th Edition
- Pilot Workshops VFR Communications Guide
- - Private Pilot Airplane FAA-S-ACS-6B
- Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge FAA-H-8083-25B
- Federal Aviation Administration Aeronautical Chart
- 24 Issues of Aviation Safety Magazine
- 4 Issues of Flight Training 
- 2 Issues of COPA Pilot
- Jeppesen PJ-1 Rotating Azimuth Plotter
- ASA VFR Clipboard
- Sporty's E6B Flight Computer
- Flash Aviation - Private Pilot VFR Flashcards
- Foggles 1 Pair 
- 1x Pilot USA GoPro Audio Cable Adapter (this is so you can record the audio of your radio communications with your Go Pro)