24 GHz Endwave up- and downconverter/transverter module.Tx-Pout ~ 1W, Rx-NF ~ 4dB, IF: 70cm band prefered (IQ-hybrid), OMs have alsoused 2m and 23cm IF. Each module is supplied with a 6-cavity waveguide filter,tuned to 24 GHz ham-radio band, and a Ferrite-isolator to de-couple thetx-upconverter output from the PA input port. Vg = -5V, Vd = +7.5V. 

Local oscillator input: Around 12 GHz, depending of selectedIF. High-Q PLDRO modules (Vb = 12V) with internal OCXO (crystal frequencyaround 100 MHz) or with an input for an external reference frequency, e.g. GPSdisciplined, will be offered on Ebay in the near term, or are available on request. 48V power supplies with cable areavailabe on request.

Plenty of ham radio conversion andadaptation info is available online, a link list or print-out will be provided.