
Tear Da Club Up Thugs - CrazyNDaLazDayz (Red Vinyl)

Vinyl 2LP


Label:Get On Down
Kat.Nr.:GET51338-LP / 19658820751
Pressung:US - Reissue
Sofort lieferbar.

2023 Repress - HIP HOP 50 Edition.

Limited Edition of 1000 Handnumbered Copies "DRIED BLOOD" RED Colored Double Vinyl.

In the late 90s in Hip Hop, all eyes were on the South and the Down South sound reigned supreme. Few groups were as hot as Memphis’ Three 6 Mafia. CrazyNDaLazDayz was a regional scorcher when it dropped in 1999, released under the group name Tear Da Club Up Thugs, but essentially a Three 6 Mafia full-length as core Three 6 members DJ Paul, Juicy J and Lord Infamous all contribute to the project. The record went on to be certified Gold and Three 6 Mafia went on to win an Academy Award for their contribution to Hustle & Flow.

CrazyNDaLazDayz continues to have an impact to this day. A cut Juicy J first pulled together while still in high school, “Slob On My Knob”, was utilized in A$AP Ferg’s hit “Plain Jane.” In addition, the cut is interpolated into G-Eazy’s most successful cut to date, “No Limit.” CrazyNDaLazDayz has never seen a commercial vinyl release (when originally released, only promo vinyl was issued). 


A2.Who The CrunkestProject Pat
A3.Smoked OutTwista
A4.I'm Losing It
A5.Throw Your SetsCrucial Con...
A6.Undercover FreaksT-Rock, Too...
B1.Wet PartySpice 1, M-...
B2.Elbow A NiggaProject Pat
B3.Hell Naw
B4.Get Buck,Get WildCrunchy Bla...
B5.On Da Block
B6.What You Lookin' ForProject Pat
C1.Paper ChaseHussein Fat...
C2.Hypnotize Cash MoneyB.G., Big T...Mannie Fres...
C3.When God Calls Time Out
C4.Big Business
C5.When It's On It's Murder
C6.Push 'Em Off
D1.Slob On My Nob
D2.All Dirty HoesGangsta Boo
D3.Triple 6 ClubhouseLord Infamo...
D4.A Niggas Worst Downfall
D5.Hypnotize Mind/Profit PosseHypnotize C...
D6.Comin' Up Next

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