This stunning figurine by United Design Corp depicts a powerful Guardian Angel, standing tall with a Lion and a Lamb at their feet. The figurine is crafted from high-quality resin and is 18 inches in height, with a width of 8 inches and a weight of 12 pounds. The intricate details on the figurine showcase the skill of the artist and add to its beauty. The blond angel is wearing a yellow jacket, and has a yellow (gold?) medallion denoting a halo atop the head.

The figurine is retired and highly sought after by collectors, making it a truly unique addition to any home decor. It is titled "Guardian Angel, Lion & Lamb, Light". Note it is NOT a light; the artist titled it that to probably denote that the angel shows us the "Light" of God. This unit is in excellent condition and has been well-maintained.

The original cost was $165.00 at Grand VIllage Shops in Branson.