Various : Shipping News CD Value Guaranteed from eBay’s biggest seller!

ArtistVariousTitleShipping NewsRelease Date2002-02-26Label:EMI RecordsNumber of Discs1

Untitled Document

Disc Track Title
1 1 Shipping News
1 2 The Gammy Bird
1 3 Weather Rhymes
1 4 Killick-Claw Harbor
1 5 Deep Water Down
1 6 Dutsi Jig
1 7 One Kite Better
1 8 Seal Flipper Pie
1 9 Strictly Fishwrap
1 10 Mooncussers
1 11 Alwyn Spires
1 12 Asleep With The Angel
1 13 Death Storm
1 14 Botterjacht
1 15 Dog On Fire
1 16 Sail On

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