Intelligence-Driven Incident Response: Outwitting the Adversary

Intelligence-Driven Incident Response: Outwitting the Adversary

Scott J. Roberts,Rebekah Brown

Autore: Scott J. Roberts,Rebekah Brown
Formato: Copertina flessibile
Pagine: 260
Data Pubblicazione: 25 luglio 2017
Lingua: Inglese
Dimensione: 17.53 x 1.78 x 22.86 cm

Using a well-conceived incident response plan in the aftermath of an online security breach enables your team to identify attackers and learn how they operate. But, only when you approach incident response with a cyber threat intelligence mindset will you truly understand the value of that information. With this practical guide, you’ll learn the fundamentals of intelligence analysis, as well as the best ways to incorporate these techniques into your incident response process.Each method reinforces the other: threat intelligence supports and augments incident response, while incident response generates useful threat intelligence. This book helps incident managers, malware analysts, reverse engineers, digital forensics specialists, and intelligence analysts understand, implement, and benefit from this relationship.In three parts, this in-depth book includes:The fundamentals: get an introduction to cyber threat intelligence, the intelligence process, the incident-response process, and how they all work togetherPractical application: walk through the intelligence-driven incident response (IDIR) process using the F3EAD process—Find, Fix Finish, Exploit, Analyze, and DisseminateThe way forward: explore big-picture aspects of IDIR that go beyond individual incident-response investigations, including intelligence team building