tutto quello che vedete in foto / all that you can see in picture

Mountain Bike Cinelli Vanos Keith Haring Edition

Top gamma per l'epoca. 

Top quality for that period

Tubi / pipes 


Misure / measurements

Orizzontale / horizontal 58 cm  center center

Verticale / verticale  50 cm  center center

per ruote for weels 26 "

Cerchi / rims 

Copertoncino tires diversi / differets

Crankset / guarnitura 

Shimano  300 LX

Pedali / pedals 

Mtb shimano exage

Serie sterzo/ headset


Mozzi hubs


Cambio / groupset 

Shimano 300 lx , with repaired front shiftershifters

Freni / brake


Sellino / saddle 

Selle Italia Canyon

Leve freno brake lever


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Optimize the shipping costs: I have more bicycle accessories, take a look in to my ebay shop