Haunted Ouija Board Very Active Made The Mistake Of Buying A Used One. I found this already open at an antique center and this was after a weird haunted music box was playing music I got rid of so I see this thinking maybe I can communicate and see if any spirits are still here after I sold the music box to get rid of it I read ouija boards aren’t dangerous If you protect yourself well WRONG the Ouija board had a sticky note when I bought it at a place called Ties to the past very cool shop but the name of the store was fitting to all of this should’ve gone with my instincts the note on the board which was taped but had been opened and played with said this is no joke and they had the planchette the black thing in my hand in a bag separate from the board I didn’t think of it at the time but now as you see taking pictures I won’t touch the board with the planchette because once you do it causes the portal to open to talk to them whatever I’m talking to is jealous and making me and my wife fight he or she which it says it’s a she but they lie alot says they are in love with me which is making me so uneasy I won’t go into all the things that’s happened if you want me to tell you before you buy it I will have to write quite a bit it’s been a wild ride now I’m ready to let it go and continue to the next cheater