While space shuttle astronauts have reportedly used Laughing Rabbit photon LED lights in their endeavors, the average consumer will quickly find that there's no      need to go into orbit to find uses for one of these. The amount of illumination you get from this extremely compact and lightweight light is truly surprising-and it fits on your keychain. Weighing a mere 5-1/2 grams and small enough to disappear under a quarter, the Photon II gives you enough light for almost any task. The LED bulb is virtually unbreakable, yet is nonetheless covered by a manufacturer's lifetime guarantee. The replaceable lithium battery (included) gives you a total of about 12 to 14 hours of use. In addition, the Photon II comes with a slider on/off switch, which means you don't have to apply continuous pressure to the squeeze button to receive a continuous beam (unlike the original Photon Micro-Light). This is really a nifty little tool that you are guaranteed to appreciate the next time you find yourself in the dark.


 Personal flashlight measures 1 1/2" x 1". black plastic construction. Push button activates light. On/off switch for hands free operation. Unbreakable ultra bright bulb is visible over one mile. Features lithium eveready battery and key ring. Lithium metal contained inside item. Can not ship post office. Can not ship to Australia.