Divus Julius Caesar (49-44 BC), with L. Mussidius Longus, as Moneyer. AR denarius (18mm, 3.62 gm, 11h). NGC VF 4/5 - 3/5. Rome, 42 BC. Laureate head of Divus Julius Caesar right / L•MVSSIDIVS•LONGVS, rudder, cornucopia on globe, winged caduceus, and flamen's cap. Crawford 494/39a. Sydenham 1096a. Mussidia 8 and Julia 58.

Born into the patrician Julii family in 100 BC, Gaius Julius Caesar emerged from a lineage steeped in Roman nobility and political influence, setting the stage for a life that would profoundly shape the trajectory of Roman history. His early life, marked by a traditional aristocratic upbringing, quickly diverged onto a path of military genius and unparalleled political strategy. Through his conquest of Gaul, characterized by over a dozen major battles including the decisive victory at Alesia, Caesar expanded Rome's borders and demonstrated his tactical superiority. His subsequent crossing of the Rubicon in 49 BC, igniting the Great Roman Civil War, led to his emergence as Rome's unrivaled leader and Dictator for Life by 44 BC. However, fears of his potential kingship among senators culminated in his assassination, a pivotal event that signaled the end of the Roman Republic and the establishment of the Empire under his heir, Octavian (Augustus).

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