Pre Stamp Free Front Robert Bermingham Clements (Viscount Clements)( MP County Leitrim)

No 349

(poor Quality)

Robert Clements succeeded to his father's Whig seat and, barring a two-year hiatus, maintained it from age 20 until his untimely demise in 1839.

Merging his father's political views with a determination to improve the land's condition, he embraced the 2nd Earl's belief that a landowner's sacred duty was to reside on his estate, provide employment, and ensure the well-being of his people. He promoted advanced farming techniques and monitored his tenants closely.

In 1833, Robert erected a modest Tudor-revival style abode overlooking Lough Rynn and embarked on enhancing the estate's agricultural practices. He concurred with the widespread concern that rapid population growth and excessive dependence on potatoes might lead to catastrophe. During this period, around 17,000 individuals resided in and near Mohill, the closest town to Lough Rynn, which was considerably more populous than today. A significant number of these were impoverished laborer families dependent on intermittent work from smallholdings, living in dire conditions.

Regrettably, Robert Clements passed away before he could fulfill many of his ambitions. Plagued by respiratory issues throughout his life, possibly tuberculosis, he succumbed to a severe cold at the age of 33.