World War Three and the Big Brother T-shirt.

"The Painting Prophetic: World War Three." (Photo 1)

In 1981, a nine foot oil painting was executed. Inspired by the grave assassination

of a global peace icon or Peace-Nik, the incomparable John Lennon. Over 35 years later,

the truth revealed across it's desiccated landscape of textured pigment becomes more

alarming with every passing decade.

Later that same year the completed nine foot painting inspired the "Big Brother" T-shirt.

Now recognized as a milestone on the trajectory to World War Three.

"Adding Fire To The Flame." (Photo 2)

With the painting close to completion, the artist is pictured adding real fire to the rendered flames erupting atop the raging beast. Within the conflagration of willful destruction lies the subliminal contours of WWIII.

Look and you shall see.

"Bringing The Beast Into The Light Of Day." (Photo 3)

With the painting made complete with the barcode of my Social Security number

added as signature, I release the beast out of the safe confines of the studio.

Notice how the length of the artist's hair grew over the passage of time from the previous photo.

"The Big Brother T-shirt Ad." (Photo 4)

This is the original "Big Brother" t-shirt "Seasons Greetings" ad. It ran once in the November 1981 issue of Rolliong Stone magazine.The image on the right is the middle section of the Rolling Stone magazine.

Notice the John Lennon ad at the bottom left and almost directly across from the "Big Brother t-shirt ad.

"More Remains of Sun Valley Studio." (Photo 5)

These final two items are the handiwork of Tom Favelli

The first is the flyer for the first annual "Hot August Arts" event.

(Photo 6)

The second was the business card for Sun Valley Studios.

Tom is also credited with the two photos of the artist and painting.

Also Tom assisted in crafting the "Big Brother" t-shirt ad, including shooting

the photo that was used in ad.

"World War Three and the Big Brother T-shirt." (Final Photo)

In 1980, John Lennon was assassinated on the streets of NYC.

In 1981, this untimely tragedy inspired a painting prophetic.

And this painting then inspired the "Big Brother" t-shirt.

Now almost four decades later, they have inspired this book.

And this book chronicles the trajectory of destiny and fate

that have lead us as a global society to this precarious

point of timeless truth. It is the prophesy revealed in the

portrait of the beast. And the beast is getting hungry and its

                                                   chains are more fatigued. Is it about to be unleashed?

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Here's a music video featuring John Lennon (1940-1980) on You Tube.

For more information about the artist, please visit the American Da Vinci webpage at ""