This English First Edition hardcover book titled "The Use of Man" by Aleksandar Tisma is a rare find for any book collector. Four individuals from a small town in Yugoslavia find themselves among drastically different fates during World War II. Two become Nazis, one joins the Partisans, and one is sent to a concentration camp.

Set in Yugoslavia prior to and during World War II, this tale of devastation traces the lives of four friends born in the same small town. They went to school together, took dancing lessons, stole kisses, were taught German by an old maid who kept a diary. But when war comes, half-Jewish Vera is sent to a concentration camp while her German cousin becomes a Nazi; Serbian boyfriend Milinko joins the Partisans; and another classmate, also a Serb, becomes fascinated by the magic of killing. Tisma's portrayal of their situation is certainly poignant, but he belabors the obvious in overly melodramatic fashion.

Published in 1988 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, this first edition book is written in English and contains original Croatian language text. The book explores the topic of books and is a must-have for any book enthusiast.