1938 publication in good condition except part of cover torn off. Basically an unread book because most of the upper edges of the page sections were not trimmed properly, and some of the right side of the pages were also not trimmed, so a sharp utensil or knife will be needed to open up those pages. See pictures for a better idea of content and condition.

1938 The Eyak Indians of the Copper River Delta, Alaska by Kaj Birket-Smith and Frederica De Laguna

OCR scan of the
Most of the material for this report was gathered during
an archacological and ethnological expedition to Prince
William Sound during the summer of 1933. The expedition
was sponsored by the Danish National Museum (represented
by Dr. KAr BIRKET-SMITH, the Danish author of this report)
and by the University of Pennsylvania Museum (represented
by Dr. FREDERICA DE LAGENA, the American author). The
participation of the first-mentioned member of the expedition
was made possible by a grant of the Rask-Orsted Foundation
of the Danish Government, and a smaller contribution from
the Julius Skrike Institution. Our two assistants were
NORMAN REYNOLDS. & student of Anthropology at the Uni-
versity of Washington, and Dr. WALLACE DE LAGUNA, then
a student at Harvard University. The latter devoled him-
self exclusively to the archaeological work, but NORMAN
REYNOLDS took an active part in the collection of the ethno-
logical material. especially in the recording of the Tales
and the Vocabulary.
In 1930, while making an archacological survey of
Prince William Sound for the University of Pennsylvania
Museum, the American author met two of the Eyak. Ga-
lushia Nelson and old Chief Joe, and also met Mr. CHABLES
ROSENBERG, the first white trader among the Eyak. With
Galushia Nelson as guide, a rapid survey was made of the