A Visit to the Russians in 1828

Author: [Bohemian Grove] [Grabhorn Press] Duhaut-Cilly, Auguste Bernard
Title: A Visit to the Russians in 1828
Publication: Bohemian Grove: Silverado Squatters, 1946
Edition: First edition

Description: 10x7" 14, [2]pp. Vignette ship illustration, title in two colors. Stitched in printed red wrappers. Nearly fine.

A short narrative of French sailor, Duhaut-Cilly's voyage from Monterey to the Russian settlement of Bodega, northwest of San Francisco. Printed by the Grabhorn Press for presentation to friends in Bohemia by the Silverado Squatters in 1946. .

Seller ID: 6631

Subject: Fine Press, Occult, World History

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