Spider-Man #1 (1990), also known as Spider-Man (1990) #1, was the first issue of a new ongoing Spider-Man comic book series published by Marvel Comics. It was written and drawn by artist Todd McFarlane, who had previously gained popularity for his work on The Amazing Spider-Man.

Story Summary

The story of Spider-Man #1 is titled "Torment: Part 1" and features the return of one of Spider-Man's classic villains, the Lizard. The Lizard is driven to a frenzy by mysterious drumming and attacks New York City. Spider-Man must stop the Lizard's rampage and uncover the source of the drumming before the city is destroyed.


This comic book is significant for several reasons:

First issue of a new series: It marked the launch of a new Spider-Man series separate from the long-running Amazing Spider-Man title.

Showcased Todd McFarlane's work: It was the first issue written and drawn entirely by artist Todd McFarlane, whose dynamic and detailed art style became synonymous with Spider-Man for many fans.

Collectible: This issue is considered a collectible by fans and can be valuable depending on its condition.