The first issue of the 1983 Hawkeye limited series, titled "Listen to the Mockingbird," features Clint Barton, also known as Hawkeye, in a seemingly good place. He has a new job, a new high-tech rocket sled, and a new girlfriend named Sheila Danning. However, things take a turn for the unexpected when Hawkeye encounters a mysterious woman named Mockingbird.

The issue also features a flashback where Hawkeye recounts his origin story to Sheila. We learn about his time at a carnival and how he became a skilled archer.

Here are some key details about the comic:

Script: Mark Gruenwald
Art: Mark Gruenwald (pencils), Brett Breeding (inks & embellishes)
Cover: Mark Gruenwald and Brett Breeding
Guest Star: Mockingbird

This issue is significant because it marks the first meeting between Hawkeye and Mockingbird, who would become a recurring love interest and teammate for Hawkeye.  The issue also delves into Hawkeye's backstory and introduces some new elements to his character.