The Works of Josephus: Antiquities of the  Jews & Jewish Wars Trans by Wm. Whiston, 1878, David McKay, Publisher, Philadelphia ; 

Josephus is a first century Christian Era (A.D.) Roman-Jewish historian famous for his histories of the Jewish revolts against Roman Imperial rule at the time of Christ up to end of the first Christian century;  written in the decades after the life of Jesus Christ. His work is of interest to both Jewish and Christian biblical historical scholars

 Wikipedia:  Flavius Josephus[a] (/ˈsfəs/;[8] GreekἸώσηποςIṓsēposc. AD 37 – c. 100) was a Roman–Jewish historian and military leader. Best known for writing The Jewish War, he was born in Jerusalem—then part of the Roman province of Judea—to a father of priestly descent and a mother who claimed royal ancestry….


The Works of Flavius Josephus,

Comprising the

Antiquities of the Jews; and Life of Flavius Josephus, Written By Himself
a History of the Jewish Wars etc.

TOGETHER WITH NUMEROUS EXPLANATORY NOTES, and, Three Dissertations concerning : Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, James the Just, God’s Command to Abraham, etc.



Weight (Net Wt): 3.1875 Lbs (3lbs 3 oz)
(Shipping Weight: 5 Lbs)

Length: 9.5 inches / 24.13 cm
Width: 6.5 inches / 16.51 cm
Depth (Thickness): 2.25 inches / 5.71 cm

978 pages total, including Index. 

To learn more about Josephus visit: