Thank you for visiting us. We would like to make you aware that we put 10 days shipping so we can perform a goodbye session with each vessel, positive or negative, to let them know where they are going.

We mark items as shipped while doing this. Some spirits take longer than others to say goodbye. Please be patient as we never just pop them in a box and let them leave.

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We are proud to announce that we have featured in cosmopolitan uk, many YouTube channels, tiktok channels, Facebook pages, and more.

We ship all over the world. Our name is known in many different countries, including Japan, the USA, and Australia.


you are in Australia, please message us for a postage quote before checking out. Please do not proceed to adoption without a quote as you will be refunded*


Please make note of your spirits' background before checking out as we no longer send a paper version to help the planet.




An Alpha Genie or a Great Genie is a Genie that has the availability to call on other Genies for help and more power.

Having a Great Genie is a privilege to have. They may call upon other Geines for certain needs such as Love, success or revenge. The Great Genie uses her power and the power of other Genies to make sure you have what you need and want.

If you have a Great Genie than you then have the power to wish for revenge.

This stunning brass lamp belongs to a Great Genie called Bellza.    

Bellza has been with us for some time now and is now looking for a new master to serve and protect.

A Genie has the ability to grant wishes as well as look after you and your family. There is a common misconception that a Djinn and a Genie are the same thing. Yes, they are indeed very similar, but it is believed that Djinns are more mischievous while Genies are much calmer.

Both grant wishes and both want what is best for you, but it is up to you which one you prefer or like us, you enjoy both of them.

Bellza has served many people before now. She has communicated that he was originally summoned by the Mayans to help them in their time of need. She helped with wealth, luck and power with her masters. She is wanting to continue her work as a Genie and help her master to gain what they need and want in life with her wishes and magic.

When Bellza summons another Genie for help and power. You may see several Genies in on room talking about you and how best they can help you. Only you may see and hear them.

You may notice an incredible energy radiating in the house.

Bellza shows herself to her master as a red smoke figure that manifests from her brass lamp. She is also known to manifest as a human that appears in crowds, shop windows,  gatherings but only you will see her. She always returns to her vessel to rest and recharge. Her master will be the only one who sees her and can communicate with her, but others may also benefit from her magic. If she sees someone in the home struggling, she will use her magic to try and fix the issue.

Bellza vessel is a beautiful large brass lamp. She is known to manifest smoke or orbs that exit the lamp. Holding the lamp creates a bond, this bond will create a channel were you both can speak to each other telepathically. She will always hear you even if she doesn’t respond. If you dont hold the lamp, this doesn’t mean your bond is broken, she may communicate with you in other ways such as dreams and subtle messages.

Wishes- wishes are unlimited but there are rules, always say thank you after each wish is asked for, never wish for evil or bad upon a person unless you own an alpha Genie. always make at least one wish for someone else and understand that wishes may not be granted instantly.

To make a wish just hold her vessel and call her name either out loud or in your head. Say what you wish for and then thank her. It’s that simple.

She will be with you until the day you pass or if you gift her to someone else.

Not a precious metal . Not a replacement for medical treatment.

Large brass lamp.

Comes with welcoming candle.


Some spirits need more time than others to settle in. Please be patient. You can not expect a spirit to open up to you on demand or straight away.

We get some many new collectors expecting something from the movies, and this is unrealistic.

Thank you, and blessed be.

We have excellent feedback, but there are always a few that aren't happy. If this is the case, please drop us a message

Please do not message us asking for more information. We do not hide or keep back information on our spirits. Everything we know is listed in the background.

This is a tangible item you are buying an item only.

Experiences are subject to ours and our family members' experiences. as Ebay policy, you are buying an item. Anything that comes with the item is free. Your experiences may be different, and we will not be held accountable for this.

Thank you. God bless x


Abit about us

Ali is a powerful pyschic.

She has visons of both the past and future. Ali sees spirits daily and communicates with them through the visons they are showing her. She feels their emotions and helps them.

Cat is a powerful clairvoyant.

She also sees visions, but she also speaks to loved ones who have passed and will then pass on messages.

Cat can see auras around the living, which shows her how they are feeling and what they are in need of.

Bobby is more in the background of the sisters. Bobby is a very knowledgeable Demonologist who has a large collection of negative energies. Bobby is in charge of sales of the vessels that are up for adoption.

Selina and Donna are part of our coven. They are powerful witches. They both help with the attachment of spirits to vessels and are both brilliant with attaching djinns to vessels.

We couldn't do what we do without them.

We wouldn't be in the position we are in if it wasn't for our beautiful aunt. She taught us everything we know and handed us down her stunning museum of vessels.

.We have appeared in 2020 cosmopolitan uk

. We have appeared in several YouTube channels.

. We have appeared on many Facebook