RARE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN ANTIQUE ISIS Mummified Tomb Ushabti Shabti 2859-2784 BC
Height : 30 cm
Width : 10 cm
Weight : 3640 Gram

About ISIS goddess 
Isis was the ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility and was also known as the goddess of motherhood, magic, death, healing, and rebirth. Isis was the first daughter of Geb and Nut who was the god of the earth and the goddess of the sky. Isis was the sister of Osiris who later on became her husband as well. The son of Isis and Osiris was Horus.
Other Names Of Isis
Other names by which Isis was known in Egypt are Auset, Aset, or Eset, which are words that were often associated with the word for "throne." After the death of her husband Osiris, Isis took over as the goddess of the dead and the funeral rites which he had previously overseen. She was both the sister and wife of Osiris but in ancient Egypt, incest was seen as normal in the lives of the Egyptian Gods as it maintained the sacred bloodline of the gods. Isis was also touted as the mother and protector of the Pharaohs.

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