Set in a dark, dystopian city, and featuring multiple-path missions and a mix of stealth and action reminiscent of Deus Ex and Thief, Dishonored puts players in charge of Corvo, the Empress' once-trusted bodyguard who was framed for her murder and now dons a signature mask as he roams the oppressive streets. Freed from captivity by a supernatural being with questionable intentions, Corvo seeks revenge using special powers and a variety of gadgets and weapons, which players are free to wield as they stage direct assaults or perform stealthy assassinations.<br><br>Steampunk themes permeate the grungy industrial city of Dunwall, with citizens traveling in personal rail cars, law enforcement patrolling on long robotic stilts, and authority figures dressed in Victorian-era garb, complete with swords and muskets. Corvo can also wield a variety of swords, daggers, crossbows, and weak guns, but he has an advantage thanks to special powers that allow him to briefly stop time, possess any living creature, and teleport short distances. The action is presented from a first-person perspective, and whether players choose stealth, force, or a mixture of the two, the choices they make in each mission will result in different outcomes and have lasting effects on the surrounding game world.<br><br>This Game of the Year Edition includes the full original title as well as "The Knife of Dunwall" and "The Brigmore Witches" DLC missions, which put players in the role of Daud, the man who actually killed the Empress. This Edition also includes the Dunwall City Trials challenge maps, and the Void Walker's Arsenal, which includes four different content bundles. YOU WILL ENJOY THIS GAME FOR A LONG TIME! *(The video game is factory sealed in the shrink-wrap from the original manufacture)*