DTA180 HD Freeview Aerial with Magnetic Base Digital TV Antenna


Product Description:

8. Polarization:Linear

1. Working Frequency : VHF(172-240Mhz) \ UHF(470-860Mhz)

5. Reception Range: 50 miles

12. Operation Temperature : -45 ~ 85℃

2. VSWR : ≤1.5

4. : 25dB

of receiving frequencies of 174-230MHz and UHF 470-862MHz it is ideal for both DVB-T and broadcasting.

Whether you are looking for an aerial for your bedroom, kitchen, , or car, the DTA180 will greatly improve your reception in almost any circumstance.


7. Connectors : TV

Package Includes:

13. Storage Temperature : -45 ~ 85℃

1xHD TV Aerial

11. Current Consumption : 20mA

10. Voltage : 5V

14. Compatible with 720p, 1080i, 1080p/ ATSC

6. Cable : 1.5C-2V


3. Impedence : 75 Ω

3. Impedence : 75 Ω

11. Current Consumption : 20mA

1. Working Frequency : VHF(172-240Mhz) \ UHF(470-860Mhz)

1xHD TV Aerial

4. : 25dB

7. Connectors : TV

12. Operation Temperature : -45 ~ 85℃


5. Reception Range: 50 miles

6. Cable : 1.5C-2V

Whether you are looking for an aerial for your bedroom, kitchen, , or car, the DTA180 will greatly improve your reception in almost any circumstance.

of receiving frequencies of 174-230MHz and UHF 470-862MHz it is ideal for both DVB-T and broadcasting.

2. VSWR : ≤1.5

10. Voltage : 5V

14. Compatible with 720p, 1080i, 1080p/ ATSC

Package Includes:

13. Storage Temperature : -45 ~ 85℃

8. Polarization:Linear


of receiving frequencies of 174-230MHz and UHF 470-862MHz it is ideal for both DVB-T and broadcasting.

Package Includes:

10. Voltage : 5V


5. Reception Range: 50 miles

2. VSWR : ≤1.5

8. Polarization:Linear

11. Current Consumption : 20mA

1. Working Frequency : VHF(172-240Mhz) \ UHF(470-860Mhz)

3. Impedence : 75 Ω

13. Storage Temperature : -45 ~ 85℃

1xHD TV Aerial

4. : 25dB

6. Cable : 1.5C-2V

14. Compatible with 720p, 1080i, 1080p/ ATSC


12. Operation Temperature : -45 ~ 85℃

7. Connectors : TV

Whether you are looking for an aerial for your bedroom, kitchen, , or car, the DTA180 will greatly improve your reception in almost any circumstance.

4. : 25dB

13. Storage Temperature : -45 ~ 85℃

1. Working Frequency : VHF(172-240Mhz) \ UHF(470-860Mhz)

12. Operation Temperature : -45 ~ 85℃

Whether you are looking for an aerial for your bedroom, kitchen, , or car, the DTA180 will greatly improve your reception in almost any circumstance.


Package Includes:

11. Current Consumption : 20mA

8. Polarization:Linear

10. Voltage : 5V

of receiving frequencies of 174-230MHz and UHF 470-862MHz it is ideal for both DVB-T and broadcasting.

14. Compatible with 720p, 1080i, 1080p/ ATSC

3. Impedence : 75 Ω


5. Reception Range: 50 miles

1xHD TV Aerial

2. VSWR : ≤1.5

7. Connectors : TV

6. Cable : 1.5C-2V

5. Reception Range: 50 miles

of receiving frequencies of 174-230MHz and UHF 470-862MHz it is ideal for both DVB-T and broadcasting.

7. Connectors : TV

11. Current Consumption : 20mA

2. VSWR : ≤1.5

12. Operation Temperature : -45 ~ 85℃

Whether you are looking for an aerial for your bedroom, kitchen, , or car, the DTA180 will greatly improve your reception in almost any circumstance.

10. Voltage : 5V

3. Impedence : 75 Ω

4. : 25dB


1. Working Frequency : VHF(172-240Mhz) \ UHF(470-860Mhz)

6. Cable : 1.5C-2V

1xHD TV Aerial

8. Polarization:Linear

Package Includes:


14. Compatible with 720p, 1080i, 1080p/ ATSC

13. Storage Temperature : -45 ~ 85℃