
This is one of our unique and exclusive designs from our collection of hand crafted reproduction carvings which are taken directly from an original medieval Cathedral carving. We pride ourselves at Oakapple Designs as having permission to take moulds directly from the medieval carvings found upon the misericords and choir stalls from within the Cathedrals and Churches in the UK. Our moulds and production techniques capture and reproduce all the fine detail from the original carvings to produce a very high-quality piece with all the authenticity from the original carving.

This carving is from a pair of similar carvings found in Carlisle Cathedral (Adam & Eve). This one depicts Eve sitting naked and holding some Bulrushes. This carving along with Adam is classic Romanesque based on both the river Tigris and Euphrates in Iraq, these being symbols of the giver of life. Originally these were carved in Antwerp Belgium (1559 AD) for a church in the city, at some point, which is not clear they have made their way to Carlisle Cathedral. This reproduction catches all the fine detail from the original by the master craftsmen that originally carved this piece. Comes with a wall fixing and product label.

Size (H) 9.5cm x (W) 19cm.

This is great opportunity to purchase a true piece of England’s Rich Cultural History.

Please note we hand make all our products, if we do not have these in stock we will make them for you and aim to dispatch within 3-4 working days, please take this into consideration when leaving your feedback.