Our Shop - "Dress Your Nails"

BLE-142J - 1 X Sheet of Gold Bows

Lots of different styled bows in Gold

A mix of different of Gold Bows

Many different styles including Bow Ties and Shoestring Bows

There are also some stars running across the bottom of the sheet

ONLY £2.39 - Inclusive of Postage


If you are a fan of Bows

Then you will love this sheet


Gold will jazz up any function

any outfit, any occasion

Give them a try - use on their own or with other Nail Art

to create your own unique style

Different sizes

You decide how to place them on your Nails
There are so many variations 


Although these stickers are called 3d

There is only a slight raise from the nail so will not be "knocked off"

Meaning a longer life for your stickers

They are  thin, sitting quite flat on the nail

I consider these the best on Ebay

No glue needed, just choose, peel, put on your nail, press

You will not be disappointed

All stickers will come in their outer packet sealed
 I took a sheet out of its pack to photograph
They also do not contain the wording "Dress Your Nails"

These stickers are small, to use on nails etc.



1. Select a design and peel off by your nail. (Do not touch the glue)

2. Place the design on nail/tip and rub it gently several times

3. Apply top coat for the best result

No special tools are needed - however a Pin, or Tweezers are handy to help lift and position
 these beautiful nail art stickers, thus minimizing damage


Use a few or as many as you like

Use on natural or false nails

 No tools needed

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Items bought and paid prior to 11.00 am will be posted on the same day


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Postage is available outside UK - see my information page

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My shop is ""Dress Your Nails”.
Suppliers of All 3d Nail Art - Resin + Metal, Nail Stickers - Wraps + Foils,
 Nail Art Brushes, Tools + Accessories

I also sell many more accessories such as 

Tattoos, Clothing, Costume Jewellery Embellishments, 

Hair Accessories, Key-rings/chains, Phone Charms, Pots/Containers, Beauty products, Hosiery + Others

Check my store today

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