Shop "Dress Your Nails"
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Set 2r

Full Nail Cover

Water Decals/Transfers

Beautiful Sheets 


Water Decal - Full Cover Nail Transfers

£2.25 per sheet includes postage

Cannot decide - or having a party of friends

then buy a SET for £15.25 - l0 sheets

Choose your style from the drop down menu

Click the Photo, the number of the Wrap will  automatically change to the Wrap Number

Choose the Wrap you want

 If you want multiples you can go back into the  listing and choose other numbers

or add to basket as you go through the shop

16 Full Cover Nail Transfers

Water Decals/Transfers

Multiple Sizing - Different sizes to fit all nail sizes

Can be cut to fit your nails, if necessary, do this prior to putting in water

Please Note - All Decals will consist of the same theme throughout the set 
same themed does not mean same decal, some sheets are not uniformed
some sheets have a different decal for each finger on the left hand
this may be mirrored for the right hand

This is not a fault - this is how the Decal has been made to look

Please check the photo and the actual nail strip as appears on the bottom of the photo

Description of Wraps

All wraps may appear matt when looking at them in their packets.  
I put a set on my nails one evening using a spotlight to see, and they came alive.
The artificial light made them glow.  Bright colours and a touch of sparkly glitter that the light picked up on.

I would not call them "Glow in the Dark Wraps"  but they certainly came alive when a light was shone upon them

Beautiful, even though I do say it myself.

T2-127 - 8 different pictures.  Featuring Hello Kitty.  Dark Background.   You can make the right hand
the same as the left hand.  Hello Kitty sits on l nail.  A Pumpkin sits on another nail.  Spiders Web sits on 2 of the
nails, candy caught up in the web.  A teddy sitting on another nail.  Witches Hat on another nail.  Double pumpkins on another.
 Smaller Hello Kitty head with different coloured stars

T2-128 - This wrap has a grey background.  Has mini pictures of spiders, spiders webs and bats.
  The pictures are the same themed but show differently dependant on the nail sizes

T2-130 - 4 different pictures on this nail wrap.  White background with black cats.  
Black background with diamonds of colours, Black background with multi coloured smiley pumpkins.  
Black  background that has different coloured balloons or sweets?

T2-131 - 2 different pictures.  Black background with white skulls on the full wrap.
  l picture shows a large white skull going vertical down the nail.  The other picture shows the large skull going
horizontal on the nail with small skulls surrounding it. The amount of skulls differ from different nail sizes.

T2-134 - 4 different pictures.   A dark background with happy orange pumpkins.  A white background with
jokey silhouette witch.  A dark background with ghosts.  A light background with funny spiders with their webs

T2-138 - 8 different pictures, 2 of each picture.  Features Skeletons, Headstones and pumpkins.
  Funny skeletons, full bodied, some have their guitars, trying to scare, but not succeeding. 

T2-140 - 8 Different pictures all sitting on a dark background
Apart from the Spider on its web sitting on its own wrap, the other wraps are made up of
different Trick or Treat characters.   Fun Fun Fun this wrap is

T2-142 - 8 Different pictures all sitting on a dark background. 
Ghosts, Pumpkins, Spiders Web, Skeleton, Bats - a very jolly wrap

T2-143 -  8 Different pictures all sitting on a dark background
On each wrap the pictures are Green.  A mixture of grumpy menacing Ghosts
who are all playing some kind of joke.  A trick or Treater  runs scares you  
away on 2 wraps Green stars on another wrap.  
 A smiley witch covers herself with her black cloak outlined in green - of course!

T2-146 - 8 different pictures all sitting on a dark background
This wrap is all made up of ghosts skulls and grave stones with "Boo"
a mixture of all scattered over each wrap

  £1.99 - now inclusive of postage

Set:  £14.99  - includes postage

The Wraps in this listing DOES NOT
come in card outers - They come in a plastic self adhesive
cover with a mini nail file

"How to Use" instructions will be included


You are buying l Pack of Water Decal Transfers - Full Nail Cover
Can be used by anyone
On Finger Nails natural, false or artificial
On Toe Nails

These Decals are not the small individual stickers that I sell
They are the full cover nail wrap

which means they cover the whole nail


No special Tools are needed
Water Decals are quick, and easy to apply

Manicure your nails
Make sure your nails are clean
If using Nail Polish - wait until it has dried before placing your Decal

Cut in between the nail forms with a pair of scissors
Choose the size for your nail, or cut to size
Submerse the Decal in a little water (I use a saucer) for around 30 seconds
Slide your finger over the decal and it will come away from the backing sheet,
~if not then put it back under water for a few more seconds.
Lift the decal - a pair of tweezers may help you, but is not necessary,
 I use my finger to pick up as I find it easier
Put a drop of water onto your nail
Place the Decal, slide into position
Please make sure the Decal does not sit on the skin or cuticle as they will lift
Dab dry with Kitchen paper
You must paint a thin top coat of varnish over the Decal to seal and protect
include the tip edge of your nail

Whilst your nail varnish is tacky please do not attempt to touch the decal, wait until completely dry

* * * * *

If you prefer Halloween self adhesive nail foils (full cover)
see my other listings
Also for sale I have Halloween nail stickers and nail decals

Save me in your “saved sellers” list. 

Items bought and paid prior to 11.00 am will be posted on the same day


Postage Information


Postage is available outside UK - see my information page

Outside UK Order and Postage Info

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My shop is ""Dress Your Nails”.
Suppliers of All 3d Nail Art - Resin + Metal, Nail Stickers - Wraps + Foils,
 Nail Art Brushes, Tools + Accessories

I also sell many more accessories such as 

Tattoos, Clothing – Children’s + Adults, Costume Jewellery Embellishments, 

Hair Accessories, Key-rings/chains, Phone Charms, Pots/Containers, 

Beauty products, Hosiery + Others

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* * * *  *

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