Nutrient Agar to make 100ml Solution with Microwave Instructions + Agar Plates

Our Nutrient Agar Powder comes supplied as powder enough to make 100ml in a 125ml bottle
with simple to use instructions, not only how to make the Agar but how to experiment with taking samples
and making Agar plates.

It contains everything necessary for most educational and home experiments with no need to add other ingredients to the Agar.

But most importantly, it can be prepared in the bottle supplied in the microwave very quickly.

A standard Petri Dish will take anywhere between 10ml (normal) to 20ml (spread thick) of Nutrient Agar solution,
so one 100 ml bottle will prepare between 6 to just over 12 plates.

The bottle comes complete with a detailed instruction slip on how to microwave the bottle and get your cultures going.

We also have other options in the drop-down-box to supply:

> One pack of Nutrient Agar 6g for 200ml

> Nutrient Agar ready in a Microwavable Bottle and 20ml Syringe for measuring and dispensing

Nutrient Agar ready in a Microwavable Bottle with 20 sealed sterile inoculation loops and 20ml Syringe

 Nutrient Agar ready in a Microwavable Bottle with 20 sealed sterile inoculation loops with 6 pk Petri Dishes and 20ml Syringe

 Nutrient Agar ready in a Microwavable Bottle with 20 sealed sterile inoculation loops with 12 pk Petri Dishes and 20ml Syringe

With the last two options above making a complete project or activity set with the Nutrient Agar, Petri Dishes and Inoculating Loops.

Please note that if you are just buying powder, the instructions assume you are using our microwavable bottle (option 2 onwards).

All our Petri Dishes are sealed in polythene and irradiated with UV to eliminate micro organisms.

This substance is not classified as dangerous according to regulation (EC) 1272/2008 [CLP].

This is what the solution contains:

`Lab-Lemco’ powder
Yeast extract
Sodium chloride

Thanks for looking *click buy-it-now* May I be the first to say, "Good luck with your micro-organisms!"
First picture of petri dish in gloved hand to illustrate only.

Who and what is this product intended for? Demonstrations and experiments intended for fun,
educational activities such as home schooling, classroom experiments / lessons and other non professional use.