This is a sewing pattern for the men's Starfleet duty trousers seen throughout DEEP SPACE NINE, VOYAGER, and the latter three NEXT GENERATION movies. 

It was drafted to be a perfect companion to our corresponding men's DS9/NEM and VOY sewing patterns (sold separately), and it includes an optional overalls-style attachment for additional support and wearer comfort. Furthermore, we have included ten size options instead of our usual five as well as 1" side seam allowances to make it easy to achieve an ideal fit! 

These trousers were extensively researched and meticulously drafted to be as screen-accurate in their construction as possible. The pattern includes information about the finished garments' measurements, all materials required, and detailed instructions.

Also included is a copy of our FREE in-depth PDF tutorial on CD! This contains a wealth of information not on the printed instructions, including detailed analyses of the trousers' construction with accompanying HD images. The tutorial instructions are accompanied by a multitude of pictures and diagrams, various sewing tips (and other options) along the way, and instructions for how to alter the pattern if necessary to achieve an ideal fit. 

The pattern is printed on two large sheets and a printed copy of text-only instructions is included in addition to the free tutorial.