King of Kings Christian Fabric Lord Jesus Lamb of God Religious Cotton Material




Choose the fabric length you'd like to purchase from the drop down selector on this sales page.

Fabric yardage will be cut continously - We will not cut your multiple fabric purchase into multiple pieces.

Fabric measures approx. 43/44 inches selvage to selvage (wide).

This listing: Medium quilting weight 100% Cotton - Excellent Quality Fabric - Brand NEW freshly cut upon purchase off the fabric bolt

ATTENTION: Some listings may show finished items shown in the print that is for sale - usually taken outside with better lighting - showing more accurate colors.  This sale is for the fabric ONLY.

USES: apparel, quilting, general crafts and sewing, home decor projects and clothing

*You CHOOSE the length of fabric you wish to purchase from the drop down selector during checkout in your choice of YARD or HALF YARD.

NOTE: If you need help with your purchase or would like a custom listing with items you've selected from our shop - just let me know. More may be available upon request.


We have MANY more unique and hard-to-find fabrics to list.

Fabric is BRAND NEW and cut from the bolt in a pet and smoke free environment.