'A human being is a part of the whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest-a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole nature in its beauty.' ~Albert Einstein


 Lovely Ascension Necklace or Choker - Customizable 

affecting all major Personal and Sub Personal Chakras as well as Aura & Light Body

with the following natural and genuine Gemstones:

1 Hand Cut and polished Cacoxenite (aka Ascension Stone )in Quartz with Goethite, Lepidocrocite Smoky Quartz and Barite from a Sacred Super 7 / Melody Stone Site in the Himalayas. I had a few Super 7 on this Strand but the ones where the Amethyst was visible are now gone. Nevertheless they all do hold the same vibration.  

Size approximately 15 x 8 mm but varying as all of them are hand collected, then individually hammer cut, drilled and polished. Origin is the Himalayas. 

2 water clear Himalayan Herkimer Diamond Beads approximately 6 to 8 mm point to point

2 Pietersite Pebble Beads approximately 5 x 6 mm

Depicted is a Choker approximately 14 Inches  / 35 cm

but if you prefer we will customise it for you to any lengths you would like. Just send a message during paypal checkout or ebay contact seller. 

Any questions please ask :)

The Necklace / Choker is made from soft black string. All Findings are Bright Silver Alloys adhering either to new EU regulations or are completely Nickel, Cadmium and Lead Free.

The Ascension Stone beads for each Necklace might slightly vary as they are natural hand cut beads, but they are all of similar shape and equal Quality.

They will be delivered in a nice Gift Pouch

Metaphysical Properties of Gemstones used:

Melody's Stone is a very spiritual stone often used to maintain Higher Consciousness and the Experience of Oneness.  Super Seven is excellent for enhancing all types of psychic abilities and psychic skills including telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, channeling, telekinesis, and others.Melody's Stone is not associated with any one chakra, but is outstanding at healing, balancing and energizing all.  It is a powerful stone for crystal healing, and is used healing mind, body, and spirit dis-ease.  A piece of Melody's Stone retains the properties of all the stones in the combination of amethyst, smoky quartz, clear quartz, rutile, goethite, lepidocrocite and cacoxenite. Cacoxenite often called the 'Ascesion Stone' while Lepidocrocite helps us open to the Energies of Higher Love. Goethite encourages deep inner journey for connection with the earth, akashic records as well as living a Soul Life and Life Purpose. It awakens compassion and love.


Pietersite is also known as the Tempest Stone, its highly charged energy is almost tangible. Just as lightning clears the air and makes all things new, Pietersite discharges negative energies and emotional turmoil, and cleanses the aura, restoring it to calm. Pietersite also provides a unified activation of the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras, as well as the Third Eye, creating a powerful increase in the energy of personal will and intuitive abilities. It grounds the body's physical energy centers, not to the earth, but to etheric realms. This rare ability increases the focus of one's aim in life, enhances meditation, visionary and telepathic powers, and allows spiritual journeying and access to the Akashic Records. [Simmons, 305-306][Melody, 489][Hall, 218] Pietersite links the everyday consciousness to the spiritual, reminding us we are spiritual beings on a human journey. [Hall, 218] Said to hold the "keys to the kingdom of heaven," Pietersite dispels illusion and helps one see the beauty of the soul, and to recognize the brotherhood of humanity. It provides dignity and guidance, bringing the potential of the individual to the perfection of the source of all being. [Melody, 489] -fair use policy: The above is taken with Gratitude from crystalvaults online library for informational purposes. Please visit their page for a full reference.


Herkimer Diamond is said to be a powerful attunement Crystal and is said to activate the Light Body. It stimulates psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance and telepathy linking into guidance from Higher dimensions. It stimulates concious awareness of the highest spiritual levels and your own potential. It clears the chakras and and opens channels for spiritual energy to flow. It can be used to access past life to find out blockages to your spiritual growth, bringing your souls purpose forward. It detoxifies, corrects DNA cellular disorders and helps to eliminate stress and tension from the body. Herkimer diamonds treats disease caused by contact. It is great for healing the earth chakra and an excellent antidote for fatigue caused by negative energies.

 Known as a Stone of Ascension, Cacoxenite is believed to raise the spiritual awareness of the human race and to provide a loving and ethereal connection between all of the universe. It encourages a conscious awareness of the significance in random events to guide us on the right path, and in sensing the essence of the Creator in the beauty of nature and the kindness of people. [Melody, 177][Eason, 105]Hall, 81] Cacoxenite is one of those rare ingredients that make something good even better. It manifests as beautiful inclusions within a host crystal, usually Amethyst or Quartz, and forms as radiated tufts or strands of yellow, gold or earthy brown. Its presence expands the properties already emanating from the host stone, and adds its own remarkable dimension of spiritual evolution and connection. Within Quartz, Cacoxenite is more active, dynamic and instant than in Amethyst, and expands the consciousness to understand that one can connect to Spirit whenever there is a need or desire. Its vibration assists in aligning the Third Chakra with the spiritual, surrendering personal will to Divine Will, making it easier to receive the guidance and assistance needed to move forward on one’s life path. [Eason, 105][Ahsian, 79-80]  Cacoxenite within a crystal is highly sustaining in times of emotional upheaval, creating a peaceful space in which to withdraw. It assists one in overcoming fear and separating from the causes of stress. It allows one to release emotional bonds to relationships that are no longer serving one’s life purpose, and to strengthen the connection with others who more closely align with one’s true self. [Ahsian, 79-80][Hall, 81-82] Cacoxenite promotes the expansion of the Crown and Third Eye Chakras for connecting the physical with the spiritual realms. Its vibration also helps align the Third Chakra, the will center, with Divine Will in order to cleanse the energy systems of any negative attachments keeping one from moving forward. [Ahsian, 79] Cacoxenite is an ascension stone, heightening spiritual awareness through meditation and dream work, and even unconsciously by simply wearing or carrying a crystal bearing this mineral. Its energy is welcoming, relaying the message that everyone carries a Divine spark and may connect with the Creator, as well as one’s guides, guardian spirits and other higher beings, at any time to receive healing and guidance. [Simmons, 79][Ahsian, 79][Eason, 105] Cacoxenite is a popular and highly regarded “stone of ascension” used during countless planetary alignments and world meditations, and to heighten the effect of full or new moon rituals. Its high vibrational properties increase spiritual awareness on all levels and transfers healing energy to the Earth. [Melody, 177][Hall, 81-82] Cacoxenite is a mineral for bringing good to one’s life. It encourages one to see the positive, beneficial and constructive forces in all events and situations, and to use discretion based on wisdom and discernment. [Melody, 177] Cacoxenite also increases spiritual awareness on a broader level, uniting collective consciousness in ceremony or ritual gatherings, for world meditations and planetary alignments, and in connecting with the universal Life Force to draw in energy for Earth’s healing. [Melody, 177] Cacoxenite is a holistic healer, treating the whole body by recognizing the relationship between each integral part of the body, mind and emotions. Its energy carries information both within and between cellular structures, and has been used to increase the renewal of cells, balance hormonal responses, and to relieve stress. It is supportive of the adrenals and thyroid. [Melody, 177][Hall, 82][Ahsian, 80] This mineral is beneficial for all types of stomach upset, digestive issues, and problems in nutrient assimilation. It is thought to relieve respiratory ailments, colds and flu, and assist in treatments for parasites, growths and tumors, warts and moles. [Ahsian, 80][Hall, 82][Eason, 105] the above is taken with gratitude from Crystal Vaults library please visit the page for a full reference. Fair use policy: Most of the above is taken from Judy Halls Crystal Bible and crystalvaults online library for informational purposes and is not meant to be a medical diagnosis, treatment or replacement for such. All our Items will be energetically cleansed & charged unless you tell us otherwise:)

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