The Caucasus 1942–43

Kleists race for oil

 Organisation, Taktik, Karten, Schlachtaufstellungen, dreidimensionale Bilder von Schlachtfelder

Osprey Campaign 281 , 96 Seiten auf Hochglanzpapier, viele s/w- und FARBABBILDUNGEN

 Text englisch


Much has been written of the titanic clashes between the Wehrmacht and the Red Army at Stalingrad, but this volume tells the other, equally important half of the story of Fall Blau (Case Blue). Learning from their experiences during the sweeping advances of Operation Barbarossa a year before, Wehrmacht commanders knew that Nazi Germany's lack of oil was a huge strategic problem. Seizure of the Caucasus oilfields, which were responsible for 82% of the Soviet Union's crude oil, would simultaneously alleviate the German army's oil shortages whilst denying vital fuel resources to the Red Army. Whilst Army Group B advanced along the Volga towards Stalingrad, Army Group A, spearheaded by Ewald von Kleist's elite Panzerarmee 1 was to advance into the Caucasus to seize the oilfields of Maikop, Grozny and Baku. Featuring full-colour artwork, archival photos and detailed analysis, this book follows the vicious, intense fighting that characterised one of the most important campaigns of World War II.


Die Osprey-Serie Campaign besticht durch detaillierte Berichte von Strategien und Taktiken der bekanntesten und berühmtesten Feldherren der Geschichte. Hierbei sind neueste historische und bisher unbekannte Erkenntnisse eingeflossen. Jeder Band enthält viele Abbildungen und Farbillustrationen, farbige Karten, dreidimensionale Bilder vom Schlachtfeld, Organisation und Aufstellung der Truppen.

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