Laptop Car Diagnostic Scanner US

Laptop Car Diagnostic Scanner USB Read/Reset
all OBD2 protocols + CAN BUS

Windows XP - Vista - Win 7 - Win 8.1 - Win 10 both 32 and 64 bit versions

works with 2001 on petrol cars and 2004 on diesel cars

Free access for life to our update webpage and trouble shooting help

The usb diagnostic lead is an extremely powerful tool that lets you access your cars ECU to read out and clear fault codes, display live data, perform output tests and much much more.

The unit is compatible with most European petrol cars from 2001 and all European diesel cars from 2004.

helps you diagnose why the engine check light is on and enables you to turn it off. Does not cover ABS, air bag or service lights only the engine management light/system (MIL)


Analyze data in real-time
Perform fault diagnostic tests
Engine RPM
Calculate load value
Coolant temperature
Fuel system status
 Vehicle speed
Short-term fuel trim
Long-term fuel trim
Intake manifold pressure
Timing advance intake
Air temperature
Air flow rate
Absolute throttle position
Oxygen sensor voltages/associated
Fuel system status
Fuel pressure




All the software included is owned, authored and copyrighted by myself. I own the complete rights to all the media on the disk OR usb stick. I take considerable time authoring my own software please do not distribute without prior consultation