The 10-holed "Morneault Model" Whistle - (pronounced “Morno”) - Mark 2 version.  MusiqueMorneaux

The inspiration was derived from various Renaissance and Baroque era wind instruments and the more recent 10-hole fifes to be found in the US.  Answering requests for a chromatic whistle that did not have the visible key work of the Sweetheart Flute Co Killoury Model, I developed this 10-hole design.  Similar to the Mark 1 version, this Mark 2 has an offset tone hole for the left pinky which is for the G#... Even after the text subjects preferred the double hole version of the Mark 1, I almost immediately received requests for this Mark 2.   It will take some practice and getting used to if your only experience with whistles has been on traditional 6-hole diatonic models.  But other scales than D and G are more easily attainable on this and the occasional need to hit an accidental is facilitated, all while maintaining the appearance of a traditional whistle in wood.  I have made a limited batch of African Blackwood with brass ferrules - I will also make this model in Honduras Rosewood, Mopane, and Granadillo upon request.  Expect 6 weeks or so for instruments made to order. 

***Due to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered species of wild fauna and flora (CITES) convention having taken place 24 Sept – 5 Oct 2016, beginning on 1 Jan 2017 ALL Dalbergia species have been listed as “CITES II”.  This does not remove African Blackwood and Honduras Rosewood from the market place, but I will need to obtain a special export license to sell my instruments made of this wood over any international border.  This will NOT affect my sales within the US itself.  It will ALSO require you, the purchaser outside of the US, to obtain a permit to import.  I am currently looking into the requirements for selling these materials internationally, but meanwhile I am preparing to make my products of comparable woods that are still perfectly legal to sell internationally without restrictions.  Please contact me before you purchase IF you reside out of the United States.***