Fishing tackle and equipment

FishUp Diving Bug


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FishUp is Ukrainian manufacturer of fishing baits and lures, which was founded by anglers, multiple winners of various competitions all around Ukraine.

History of FishUp began after production of several insects imitations. Initially, those lures have been made for personal use only, but they turned out to be really useful and effective, that led to their immediate popularity among anglers and fishermen. Those positive reviews about catchability and effectiveness have urged us to launch our project, which is based on desire to create high-quality, highly efficient and affordable product.

All FishUp lures are designed and manufactured in Ukraine with help of special equipment. Before starting mass production, we subject them to a long testing and improvement process.

For manufacture of FishUp lures only high-quality materials as well as natural attractants and salts are being used, that make them so effective and attractive to fish.

Diving Bug

FishUp Diving Bug - eine perfekte Imitation der Wasserkäferlarve, die zu einer der beliebtesten Beute für Barsch, mittelgroßen Hecht und Zander zählt.

Diving Bug sieht dem Original verblüffend ähnlich und ist insbesondere an den Tagen vorteilhaft, wenn die Raubfische wenig aktiv sind. Die Beine und der lange konische Schwanz des Köders wackeln sehr reizvoll beim Absinken auf den Grund. Dieses Spiel ist sehr realitätsnah und provoziert die meisten passiven Raubfische zum Biss.

Neben Barsch, Zander und Hecht ist Diving Bug auch für "weiße" Raubfische sehr attraktiv.

FishUp Diving Bug lässt Ihnen Raum für Experimente und kann Die Rettung an einem bisslosen Tag sein.

FishUp Diving Bug - a perfect copy of water beetle’s larva, one of the favorite preys for perch, medium-sized pike and zander.
Resembling to the original very much, Diving Bug gives anglers additional benefits in cases when fish has low activity. Shaking legs and long tapered tail of lure, as it is sinking to the bottom, makes it look extremely real and attractive for fish, thus provoking the most passive predator on clear and convincing attack.
Besides bass, walleye and pike, Diving Bug is also attractive even for "white" predatory fishes.
Soft baits Diving Bug gives you space for experiments and chance to leave with catch even on the most biteless day.
All our products have crawfish attractor.

FishUp Diving Bug

Fisch: Hecht, Barsch, Zander
Inhalt: 8 Stück
Länge: 50 mm
Länge zoll: 2.00 zoll