Lapsang Souchong
Loose Leaf Tea

Speciality Black Tea
Sweet & Smoky

Lapsang Souchong Loose Leaf Tea is a delicious Black tea with a slightly sweet & smoky flavour. These teas were once restricted to the Fujian province in China but are now enjoyed all over the world. At the end of the tea processing the leaves are dried over pine wood fires to give it the classic Lapsang Souchong smoky flavour.

This is a little different to our usual Lapsang as our supplier 
has shut down in the short term. It's a little less smoky but I like it. 

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Sadly the price of Teas, Herbs, Fruits Etc have skyrocketed recently, they have been going up consistently for quite a while along with transport, packaging and shipping costs. I have tried for as long as possible to hold off raising my prices, unfortunately I can hold off no longer ? Please accept my heartfelt apologies and be assured that if the wholesale prices do start coming down mine will quickly follow.