The “R” Series of MACBlowers manufactured by Fuji Clean Co., Ltd. represents the culmination of years of dedicated R&D and a fierce commitment to engineering and manufacturing the highest quality linear diaphragm blowers in the world. “R” Series upgrades include use of electromagnets, smaller diaphragms and re-engineered compression chambers, all of which translate into blowers that are cooler, quieter, lighter, incredibly efficient and offer top-in-class performance for durability and long life. We want to impress you with our product, our service and commitment to be your linear air diaphragm blower company and technology of choice.

  1. 56 watts
  2. 1.0 amp running
  3. 3 Year warranty
  4. 500-600 gpd treatment
  5. approx $3 a month to run.
  6. amazing longevity.
  7. 30 db very very quite.