Scout Pare-Phillips - Door Left Open [New Vinyl LP]

Artist: Scout Pare-Phillips

Title: Door Left Open

Format: Vinyl LP

Genre: Rock

UPC: 646263945452

Release Date: 2017

Record Label: Dais

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Album Tracks

1. Door Left Open
2. Fire
3. Howl
4. Another
5. The Fall
6. Wounded Son
7. A Love This Hard
8. Crying (Orbison)
9. Pale Blue Dawn
10. Stay

Exuding mystical sensuality, Scout Pare-Phillips uses her experiences of love and loss to create heavenly songs. Ultimately, she has narrated a tumultuous love story over two 7"s and two albums, including her latest release Door Left Open. After enduring heartbreak while on tour for her previous album Heed the Call, Scout took to pen and paper, composing a song cycle that beautifully and painstakingly reflects her despair. The album explores intimate themes that give infinite weight to her songs - anchoring them here on earth while the subject of love lost and found reverberates like soundwaves floating up and out in the atmosphere. Scout seems to reopen her wounds then stitch herself back up again, using the only tools she has - powerful operatic vocals underscored by walls of haunting, ambient tones. Scout's style stems from professional training combined with a natural ear and affinity for unique and alternative instrumentation. Using autoharp and baritone guitar, Scout's songs harken a modern, dark yet feminine version of some of history' s most revered acoustic legends, such as Leonard Cohen and Sibylle Baier, as well as prolific and poetic lyricists like Rowland S. Howard and Diamanda Galas.

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