Medal of Honor Pacific Assault PC Game Complete VGC PC Gamer

About the Game:

The series that kicked off the flood of World War II FPS games on the PC is back. Much like the last console installment, Rising Sun, the theatre of operations has now moved to the Pacific. The game narrates the story of four young US Marines through the eyes of Tommy Conlin. There is the strong leader type, the educated and sophisticated medic (or corpsman), the short and simple sharpshooter and the quiet, but effective, soldier role is reserved for the player.

The game attempts to bring Call of Duty's cinematic atmosphere to the Medal of Honor series, with impressively directed scripted sequences, chances for player heroics, hidden objectives which grant stripes and medals and other elements. It also offers detailed statistics for the player's actions and a chance to replay levels in order to achieve any missed objective. The gameplay focuses mainly on the jungle warfare which took place on the islands of the Pacific Ocean, and ends in 1943 with the landing on the Tarawa Atoll. Multiplayer supports up to 32 players and includes a new mode called "Invasion".

Items Included:

Game Case

Very good, no cracks or damage to the case or spindle


Very good, no marks or scratches

** Figures pictured are not included **

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