Patent Pending! Tired of your current ignition box breaking all the time? Worry no more!

The Intellitronix Ignition box is here to make all of those worries a thing of the past! One of the biggest problems consumers have with ignition boxes is the constant need to replace them when they break or fail, and we here at Intellitronix were tired of the same thing happening to our race cars as well, so we decided to create a solution: craft an unbreakable ignition box!

This flawless new box offers features our competition just cannot match including:

-Starts firing at ONLY 5 volts, offering more convenience and ease of use than ANY of our competition

-Exceptional performance while utilizing significantly less power draw than ANY of our competitors!

Technical Specs:

-Output Voltage:  550V
-Spark Energy: 150mJ to 12,000 RPM while only utilizing 750mA per 1000RPM

-Ability to work with points, OEM, aftermarket electronic ignitions, & magnetic crank triggers

With marine-quality coating, superior engineering, American made, quality parts and performance, increased power, and unmatched durability our engineers have created the last ignition box you will ever have to buy, except when you buy your friends and family some for Christmas so they can experience the true test of American power like you have!

As with all of our first-rate products here at Intellitronix, if you manage to break it, we will send you a new one, no questions asked!

If you're not 100% completely satisfied, then just arrange to send it back within the 60-day return period

If you send an eBay message, then please be aware that we generally work M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. and it may take 2 business days or more to respond. Please be patient as we answer questions in the order in which they are received. Please read the listing carefully.  Also, we do not know your specific individual vehicle, so you will need to consult a dealer or service manual for questions about your specific individual vehicle.  For shipping information, eBay lists tracking information automatically, so we cannot tell you any more than the order page will display automatically anyway, so please do not ask shipping questions unless your order has not shipped as agreed, which should not happen because we ship as agreed with eBay.  For example, if you order a 3 business days handling time item on the weekend, it counts as a Monday order, which means it must ship by Thursday (the third business day after the day the order was placed) at midnight, according to eBay; please do not message us on Tuesday asking where your item is when it is not scheduled to ship until Thursday, something you agreed to when you ordered the item.  For technical matters, you should contact the manufacturer's technical support department directly, as we will just refer you to them anyway, so asking us technical questions is not a good use of your or our time.  More info can also be found at the Intellitronix website.