• Superior quality of Vampire fangs, the perfect finishing touch to your Halloween fancy dress.
  • Pick your size of length to suit the size and shape for your mouth.
  • The 13mm fangs are very cute and give a gently pointed look to your teeth, they are comfy to wear and are sure to get you noticed.
  • The 15mm fangs are just a touch bigger than our smaller fangs but again offer a subtle look thats comfy to wear.
  • The 17mm and 19mm fangs really are show stoppers and look great for showing off in photos, in stage and screen productions and for general costume use.
  • The 25mm ribbed fangs are HUGE and only for those who are used to wearing fangs. They have a slight ribbed texture on their surface and look great with fake blood. They are a darker shade than our other fangs and look like gnarly old yellow beast teeth. They are great for making a huge impact with either your outfit or theatrical production.
  • All of the fangs come with thermal fitting beads to ensure a professional fit.
  • Fangs and beads are supplied in a clear grip seal bag.
  • Soften the beads in a cup of just boiled water, they will go clear, remove with a teaspoon, push into cavity of fang then push to fit against your tooth. Do not let the adhesive cool against the teeth, remove once shape has been moulded.
  •  Trim any excess adhesive off, if unhappy with the fit the beads and any offcuts can be heated over and over again.
  • If wearing the fangs for long periods we highly recommend the use of a denture cream fixative to make them stay firmly in place for hours.
  • Never eat or drink while wearing fangs, always removed before sleeping also.
  • DO NOT use the fangs if you have any issues with your teeth, they should never be used with any other dental appliance including but not limited to veneers, braces, bridges and fillings.
  • The fangs are intended as a novelty costume item only.
  • CHOKING hazard, fangs are unsuitable for anyone under 18 years of age owing to small parts and risk of choking. Keep fangs and beads AWAY from children and animals at all time.