1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 GM Front Motor Mount Fits Both Sides 83164 TRW 556633
Please see the compatible vehicle list for specific applications. May also fit other makes and models. This is a new NORS part in excellent condition in the original box that has been properly stored since it was manufactured. They are OEM quality and are guaranteed for 3 years. May be shipped without the box to reduce shipping expenses. Please check our photos, your application, and the part you are replacing to be sure you are ordering the correct part for your vehicle. Also, please check out my other items for more great finds

It is easy to find out if we have what you are looking for by clicking on the categories listed on the left side of this page. Please check out all the categories that relate to your needs.

Warranty: This part is guaranteed against defect in workmanship and materials for 3 years. All our items are guaranteed to be the items shown in the photos, or one exactly like it. We also guaranteed that the description is accurate. If you feel that there are discrepancies between the photos or description and the item you receive it can be returned for a full refund or we will work with you to guarantee your complete satisfaction. We stand behind what we sell. Please see our feedback comments. 

Note: We have been in the automotive parts warehouse and custom car business since 1982, real old school! We try to include some photos of the vintage inventory, shop, and shop projects in the photos section to let you better know what we do. We don't just sell car parts we live cars.  We have a variety of trim, cosmetic, hard parts, and performance parts for late models, classics, and antiques currently listed, many new, N.O.S., and NORS. We regularly add more inventory so please check our other items and check back often. 

We continually acquire more vintage sheet metal, mechanical, and trim parts, many N.O.S, and we are always in the process of listing new stock. Please add us to your favorite sellers list for more updates.
Thank you for looking.

Contact: Auto-Tech/Ron's Auto World

             164 Grand Ave.

             Mt. Clemens, Michigan, 48043

             Phone: 1-800-447-8410

                     Local/Outside US: (586) 783-0103

             Fax: (586) 783-2133

             E-Mail: E-Bay does not allow us to list a e-mail address so please contact us through E-Bay questions.

We buy vintage car part lots.

Parts for your  Hot Rod  Rat Rod  Street Rod  Restore  Restoration  Muscle Car  Gasser  Custom  Pro-Touring  Pro-Street  T Bucket  Track T  Speedster  Vintage  Antique  Classic  Hemi  Super Duty  COPO  Rods  Jeep
GA1-4 83164