Most Recent Update: 27/03/2023

These Accounts are for the Japanese server of the game, if you're interested in accounts for the other servers, please check out my other listings.

f you wish to know for more specific details for an account, such as screenshots or craft essences, please let me know and I shall provide it.

All accounts listed also share the same price.The first  three servants named are always the 5 * servants, and the rest are 4* ones.If an account has no mention of where progress is at, then it's a starter.

Here's a list of the accounts currently avaiable:

Acc 01: Nemo, Kama, Scheherazade, Caster Gilgamesh, Siegfried, Ashvatthaman, Nursery Rhyme, Carmilla, Penthesilea, Hessian Lobo

Acc 02: SOLD!

Acc 03: SOLD!

Acc 04: Sei Shonagon, Tamamo Vitch, Ozymandias, Suzuka Gozen, Gawain, Tristan, Parvati, Marie Antoinette, Queen of Sheba, Stheno, Tamamo Cat NP 2

Please send me a message with the account of your choosing.The code and password for the account will be sent as soon as possible, after payment has been confirmed, via direct contact on ebay.