This is being sold by the original manufacturer.  Please do not purchase this item as new on Amazon or other Ebay listings as there are many fraudulent copies of the Dream Green / Don Green copyrighted game.
Over 100 thousand sold in 18 countries.

Master the basic elements of chess within 5 minutes, including moves and strategy without being intimidated. This quick, fun game combines aspects of both chess and tic tac toe. The object of the game is to get your four pieces, a Knight, a Rook, a Bishop and a Pawn in a line before your opponent does. Captured pieces are returned and can be played again. Both novice and avid chess players will love this game which is both exciting and challenging. Silk screened on hard wood with wood playing pieces. Complete instructions included. - Instructions in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Arabic, Dutch, Chinese & Japanese.


"Chess is an easy-to-learn game which provides educational benefits to K-12 students. Recently I learned about Tic Tac Chec, a chess variant which (like chess) promotes problem solving among its players. My son and I played several Tic Tac Chec games and together figured out a few strategies for our next playing session--Dr. Alexey Root, author of " Children and Chess: A Guide for Educators."

"One of our most popular teacher items. Tic Tac Chec teaches chess unlike any other product we've seen! A must have for any classroom!" Jeanne Voigt - Owner, Mindware catalog

"Simple chess! This beautifully crafted wooden board game combines Tic Tac Toe with chess to provide kids with an easy and fun way to learn chess strategies. Children enjoyed this two-player hybrid version and it proved quite helpful in mastering moves. Players found it quick to set up, quick to learn and quick to play. A great introduction to the classic game. Rating ***" Canadian Toy Testing Council


GAMES Magazine awarded TIC TAC CHEC their prestigious "GAMES 100" Award, calling the game easy to play but also "... a tricky little game even for chess masters". TIC TAC CHEC has been called "the perfect introduction to chess" by Dr. Toy and awarded a DR. TOY Top 10 Game Award. TIC TAC CHEC has been called the perfect travel game and awarded an EDUSOURCE Top 10 Game Award. TIC TAC CHEC has been awarded Three Stars (their highest award) by the Canadian Toy Testing Council. TIC TAC CHEC was selected for the 2002 Parenting for High Potential Holiday Toy List and the 2003 Today's Parent Holiday Toy List.  is a video on how to play Tic Tac Chec