Velona USDA Certified Organic Coconut Oil Extra Virgin
24 oz size comes in two bottles 16 oz + 8 oz
48 oz size comes in two bottles 32 oz + 16 oz
Our company does not test its products on animals (Cruelty free)
vegan product


100% Coconut Oil

Product Overview:

Velona USDA Certified Organic Coconut Oil Extra Virgin, (Cocos nucifera), is expeller-pressed from the dried flesh, (copra), of the coconut palm fruit, and does not utilize any chemical solvents in the manufacturing process. NATURAL Coconut Oil is a great oil for general moisturizing and serves as a protective layer, helping to retain the moisture in your skin. Coconut oil is the number one lather-producing agent used in soaps and is the first choice for most people in the cosmetics and soap industry.

Process Flow:

Cold Pressed from the dried flesh, (copra), of the coconut palm fruit.

GMO Statement:

Non GMO!!!
This term shall be used to describe products that contain NO ingredients, additives or processing aides derived from commodities that have commercially grown GMO varieties in the supply chain (i.e. contains no soybean, corn, cotton, canola, squash, papaya, potato or tomato).
Coconut Oil is packed using clean lines and is free from all extraneous material that might harbor genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or substances derived thereof.


Used in the Food, Cosmetics and others industries.

Status of Ingredient Statement:

Extra virgin Coconut Oil is considered Vegan, Lactose Free, Gluten Free, Glutamate Free, BSE Free, No Hydrogenated or Partially Hydrogenated Oils, No Preservatives.

Storage & Shelf Life:

Store at 65 - 75°F in a dry and odor-free environment. Best if used within 18 months.

Benefits & Uses:

Extra virgin coconut oil (EVCO) has a myriad of health benefits. When eaten, it can help regulate blood sugar, fight heart disease, speed up weight loss, and improve the immune system. Used topically, it can dramatically recover the condition of both skin and hair, preventing wrinkles and making your tresses stronger and shinier.
One of the best things about coconut oil benefits is the fact that it eradicates the need for some of the most toxic, potentially harmful and drying “beauty” concoctions out there on the market. Look on the back of any one of your shampoo or conditioner bottles and you will almost without fail find alcohol of some sort or another as one of the main ingredients. You may be taken aback initially because the oil actually comes in a solid form. In order to be able to use it as a natural moisturizer, you need to melt it a bit, first.
All you need to do is fill a sink a couple of inches deep with warm water. Set your EVCO container in the warm water and let it set for at least 3 minutes. When it has warmed, you will be able to pour the oil out of the jar. For sanitary reasons, it’s a good idea to have 2 different jars; one for cooking and one for topical use. Pour the liquid oil into your hands and apply liberally anywhere you want to moisturize your skin. EVCO is excellent for increasing hair’s strength and vitality, and therefore it’s appearance of being shiny and free of split ends and damage.
The exact way that you use EVCO on hair is going to depend on the texture of your tresses and what kind of styling you’re after.
For example, those with thin, fine hair would benefit from using this natural moisturizer as a conditioner that you apply one to two hours before doing a regular wash. To use this way, dampen hair slightly, and then apply warmed, liquefied oil to strands, particularly focusing on distribution on the ends where the oldest part of the strand is and where the most damage is typically found. Using it this way would make for healthier, more robust tresses that are more resistant to breakage and softer to the touch.