Antonio's eBay Shop


Why to choose us:

How it works:

It's quite easy:

  1. Buy one account from our eBay Shop
  2. We will send you an Email:password of a FREE account
  3. Now it's enough to go into your account informations and enable premium on your own
  4. Thanks at our store partnership, you will pay every month with a 50% Off discount, Forever. Payement DIRECTLY on Netflix by Netflix billing, not by me
  5. You'll get more infos and other via email after the purchase


Yes, You'll activate the premium membership on your own in a perfect legal way but thanks to our store partnerships you'll pay every month with a 50% discount DIRECTLY ON NETFLIX using netflix integrated billing service becouse the account is genuine!

We only offer you to join the service Netflix Premium Ultra-HD 4 Screens with a monthly rate of 7,10 euro instead of 14,99. We don't sell pre-activated accounts or cracked accounts.


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